Apply for Adobe Campaign Analyst Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Jun 27, 2024

Job Description

5+ Years Relevant Experience

  • Adobe Campaign Classic.


  • Email campaigning.

SN Responsibility of / Expectations from the Role

  • Provide and be knowledgeable in "best practices" in campaign development to optimize efficiency and quality of deliverables; implement and support automation for triggered communications.
  • From data analyses, develop, test and measure campaign strategies that will drive desired customer behaviour.
  • End-to-end responsibility to deliver the solutions in all the environments: DEV/SIT/UAT/Prod.
  • Participate in functional testing with the testing team in SIT and Users in UAT.
  • Contribute to support activities.  Ability to analyze, debug any code issues.
  • Raise the issue to the team lead or higher management in case it involves risk to the project timeline.
  • Angular 8, Rxjs and Ngrx.
  • Must have strong development experience in Angular 8 and 17 with Rxjs and Ngrx.
  • Experience in design and developing web based applications.
  • Experience in deploying application in MS Azure.
  • Experience working with MySQL databases.
  • Good knowledge and experience with Azure, Kubernetes, APIs, and DevOps.

Required Skills

  • Adobe Campaign Classic
  • Email Campaigning

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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Adobe Campaign Analyst with 4 to 6 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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