Apply for Devops Lead Developer Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Jun 27, 2024

Job Description

6+ Years Relevant Experience

  • Database DevOps with Liquibase.
  • Design, deploy, and maintain database systems and infrastructure.
  • Implement and manage database schemas, tables, procedures, and permissions.
  • Work closely with development and operations teams to ensure smooth integration of database changes.
  • Develop and maintain automation scripts using DevOps tools for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Utilize Liquibase for database version control, migrations, and rollbacks.
  • Troubleshoot database issues, performance bottlenecks, and scalability challenges.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize database performance and reliability.
  • Monitor database health, security, and backups to ensure data integrity and availability.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in database management, DevOps, and Liquibase.

Required Skills

  • DevOps with Liquidbase

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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Devops Lead Developer with 6 to 8 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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