Apply for EVM Management Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Jun 06, 2024

Job Description

4 to 6 Years Relevant Experience

  • EVM - Vulnerability Management (Tenable).
  • Oversee and manage the Earned Value Management (EVM) process within an organization.
  • Ensure projects are executed efficiently and effectively by integrating cost, schedule, and technical performance measures.
  • Assess project progress and performance using EVM metrics.
  • Play a crucial role in project planning, execution, and control.
  • Provide critical insights and data to stakeholders.
  • Ensure projects stay on track and within budget.

Required Skills

  • EVM - Vulnerability Management (Tenable)

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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EVM Management with 4 to 6 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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