Apply for Sr. Frontend Developer Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Sep 04, 2024

Job Description

6 to 8 Years Relevant Experience

  • At least 5-years of experience.
  • English level: B2/C1.
  • Expert knowledge in creating application front-ends using JavaScript and related technologies/frameworks.
  • Coding using JS Design Patterns.
  • Creation of CSS and JS code working on multiple browsers and mobile platforms.
  • Knowledge of: semantic HTML markup, presentation separation of content and page HTML structure,W3C standards (incl. WAI, Node JS).
  • Practical ability to create and modify frontend layer, prepare responsive design, based on HTML5, CSS3 and frameworks like Angular, jQuery UI, Modernizer, Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Practical knowledge of SQL / development, experience with databases.
  • Ability to create Web Services based on SOAP and REST.
  • Writing unit tests.
  • Tools required: SVN/GIT, JIRA, Adobe Suite (implementation of web interfaces based on graphical projects), Continuous Integration (Bamboo).
  • Ability to coordinate work and collaborate directly with the customer (development lead role).
  • Full independence for the analysis of the requirements and designing solutions in line with the requirements.
  • Experience with working in Agile Development Methodologies.
  • Solving issues within the cooperation with solution owners/vendors (for example with Microsoft support team).
  • Ability to lead the team (plan and organize work).
  • Preparing high quality documentation & presentations for our partners.
  • Practical experience in designing application architecture.
  • Can train people, can work as solution architect20. Technology stack / keywords (mandatory/obligatory): - JavaScript (Ninja) / - ECMAScript 5 / - HTML5 / - CSS3 / - jQuery / - Angular / - Node.js / - Ext-JS / - Backbone.

Required Skills

  • JavaScript (Ninja)
  • ECMAScript 5
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • Angular
  • Node.js
  • Ext-JS
  • Backbone

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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Sr. Frontend Developer with 6 to 8 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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