Apply for Hyperion / EPM Admin Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Jun 05, 2024

Job Description

5 to 10 Years Relevant Experience

  • Hyperion/EPM Admin.
  • Good knowledge of EPM modules Infrastructure and Architecture.
  • Good knowledge on installation and configuration of Hyperion Modules.
  • Maintenance and monitoring of EPM Systems.
  • Good at troubleshooting application issues and server issues.
  • Experience in Hyperion application patching activity.
  • Experience in server certificate renewals.
  • Good understanding of windows batch scripts and SQL scripts.
  • Good at documentation and support.
  • DR backup and recovery.
  • Windows app admin.
  • Experience in troubleshooting Windows server related problems.
  • Good understanding of windows batch scripts and SQL scripts.
  • Experience in server certificate renewals.
  • Experience on patching activity.
  • Ready to learn new technology.
  • Good at documentation.
  • Network administration (understanding of SSL, TCPS, Ports and firewall etc).

Required Skills

  • Hyperion/EPM Admin
  • EPM modules
  • Windows app admin
  • troubleshooting windows server related problems

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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Hyperion / EPM Admin with 5 to 10 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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