Apply for Riversand MDM Developer Job

Full time
Work from Office
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Position Filled
Listed on May 06, 2024

Job Description

6 to 8 Years Relevant Experience

  • Must have hands-on experience in developing/configuring MDM components such as data model, workflow, business rules, Digital Assets and Authorizations using Riversand MDM tool.
  • Must have strong MDM implementation experience in at least 1 MDM project.
  • Must have knowledge on MDM concepts like Deduplication, Match & Merge, Hierarchy, Data Model, Digital Asset Management etc.
  • Must have experience in setting up Integration profiles in Riversand MDM.
  • Must have understanding of Integration Architecture.
  • Must have experience of migrating data from Legacy application to Riversand.
  • Must have EXCELLENT Communication skills.

Required Skills

  • Riversand MDM

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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Riversand MDM Developer with 6 to 8 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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