Apply for SAP BASIS/ Non HANA Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on May 06, 2024

Job Description

8 to 10 Years Relevant Experience

  • SAP BASIS ASE Consultant having below expertise.
  • Having Experience in ASE Database migration and support.
  • Having Experience in ASE Database Administration, experience in supporting ASE/clustering in Linux/Unix + clustering.
  • Experience in supporting MS SQL servers on MS Windows Cluster Server.
  • Documentation skills for processes and procedures (creating KBs, runbooks, topology, etc.)
  • Develop a mechanism to review storage allocation, identify growth rates and project storage requirements for future growth.
  • Responsible for ensuring reliable performance and availability of the SAP Sybase ASE and Replication server infrastructure, including managing both ad-hoc and scheduled change requests.
  • Strong troubleshooting skills with attention to detail and ability to follow the process.
  • Good multitasking skills and ability to work to tight deadlines.
  • Having experience in resolving issue during migration and post migration.

Required Skills

  • SAP Basis ASE
  • MSSQL Server

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
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SAP BASIS/ Non HANA with 8 to 10 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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