Apply for Windows Admin for Infrastructure Support Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Listed on Jul 09, 2024

Job Description

4+ Years Relevant Experience

  • 4+ years previous working experience as a Windows systems administrator or equivalent related professional experience.
  • Bachelors degree or extended professional IT experienceExperience with and knowledge of Microsoft Windows
  • Familiarity with VMWare and SAN management and concepts
  • Familiarity with PowerShell Strong problem solving and communication skills
  • Desirable Skills:        
  • Proactively maintain and develop all Windows infrastructure technology to maintain a 24x7x365 uptime service
  • Engineering of systems administration-related solutions for various project and operational needs
  • Maintain best practices on managing systems and services across all environments
  • Fault finding, analysis and of logging information for reporting of performance exception

Required Skills

  • Microsoft Windows
  • VMWare and SAN management
  • Powershell

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Windows Admin for Infrastructure Support with 4+ Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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